19:00 The Concert Hall and the Theatre Café open
20:00 Start of the concert, intermission 30 minutes
Latecomers are not allowed to enter the venue!
We apologize for the inconvenience!
22:00 The approximate end of the concert
Estonia expects a grand world-wide musical event: the audience will be able to see Paganinis of our days, who will perform great and well known pieces – from classic to contemporary. The world’s largest and the most unique Gypsy Symphony Orchestra of Budapest “100 violins” will perform in three cities – Tallinn, Tartu and Pärnu. One of a kind Hungarian virtuosos, that group into an orchestra of cellos, violas, contrabasses, clarinets, dulcimers and horns, will be performing in:
8.11.2015 Tallinn, Nordea Concert Hall
Read more"100 violins" is the most eminent and the greatest gypsy orchestra, to whom have all applauded the famous concert halls in the world. The Hungarian virtuosos, who perform in their own gypsy-european style, have been very well known for almost 30 years.
A distinctive feature of the "100 violins" orchestra is that they execute their work without sheetmusic or even a conductor, as well as having a huge group of string instruments. Army of stringed instruments and a small group of wind instruments are alternately run by musicians themselves, taking the conductor's duties from time to time. The musicians are so brilliant that they are known as the Hungarian or Gypsy Paganinis.
The fact that the performers always wear Hungarian national costumes during their concerts adds just this ekstra flavour to the show. The orchestra's repertoire includes works of the world's classical heritage, folk and pop tunes from different countries, and, of course, native gypsy music.
"100 violins" orchestra is unique because it has just this one group, and most of the musicians playing have been in the group from day one. To actually become a part of the orchestra, you need to win a special contest that takes place in Budapest and has been created specially for the troup.
By the way, the orchestra has a very unusual history: it proves that there is always a blessing in disguise. It is believed that the orchestra was formed in 1985. The funeral of the Hungarian virtuoso violinist Sandora Jaroki attracted numerous, either blood or spirit, relatives and all of them were Gypsy musicians, of course. They began to improvise together, found that they are actually really good, and created the orchestra, which to this day, has been successful for almost 30 years.
You will fall in love with the orchestra from the first notes, and the concert is so inspiring that traditionally at the end of performances the audience does not want to let go of the musicians, blowing up the room with prolonged applauses. The atmosphere during the performance is intriguing not only because of the hits that are being played, but because of the special energy that the musicians bring to the concert hall.
After the concert positive emotions will not leave you for a long time, and the vivid memories will stay in your heart forever.
- No age limit
- Latecomers are not allowed to enter the venue!
- Taking photos and recording is allowed only by prior agreement with the organizer
- For tickets for people in wheelchairs please contact info@piletilevi.ee
- In the concert hall, the 1st and 2nd row of the first balcony and the 1st row of the second balcony are of limited visibility. The edges are equipped with guardrails!
OÜ Worex Media Group
+372 55 53 93 37
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