Musical – BILLY ELLIOT 09.05.2015 12:00



12:00 - 14:45


17.00 € - 37.00 €

11:00 The Concert Hall and the Theatre Café open

12:00 Start of the concert, intermission 30 minutes
Latecomers are not allowed to enter the venue!

We apologize for the inconvenience!

14:45 The approximate end of the concert

“Billy Elliot”, the musical by Elton John and Lee Hall, is a touching story of a teenager named Billy whose life takes a complete U-turn on the day he attends his boxing lesson and sees a ballet class session. Dancing becomes the boy’s whole life, his passion and purpose. After lengthy self-doubt and overcoming his own fears, Billy’s dream comes true and he dances on the ballet stage. His life will never be the same again. The play about Billy Elliot is based on a true story and serves as a perfect example of how every child can attain his or her innermost wishes. You just have to be persistent and carry on despite adult world rules and unexpected obstacles.




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Libretto and lyrics: LEE HALL
First staged by: STEPHEN DALDRY
Producer and choreographer: TEET KASK
Designer: MARIA DUCASSE (Norway)
Musical director: KAIRE VILGATS

Starring: Rudolf Bauman, Maximo Erm, Mait Malmsten, Kaire Vilgats, Jaagup Kreem, Reet Linna, Jüri Vlassov, Andres Roosileht, Neeme Kuningas, Tiit Tralla, Alar Haak and many others, including the expanded band Terminaator


  • No age limit
  • No discounts
  • Latecomers are not allowed to enter the venue!
  • Taking photos and recording is allowed only by prior agreement with the organizer
  • For tickets for people in wheelchairs please contact
  • In the concert hall, the 1st and 2nd row of the first balcony and the 1st row of the second balcony are of limited visibility. The edges are equipped with guardrails!

MTÜ Noorteater

+372 55 58 05 85

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