MozART Group Show “Frakk-n-roll” (Poland)



“We exist despite the sober formality of great concert halls, despite the boredom of classical musicians’ life, despite fanatic lovers of classical music, despite fans of rock, rap or pop who are afraid of classical music. We treat our Muse with a humorous irony and we’re sure, she will have nothing against it!” ( MozART Group)

They are all well educated instrumentalists who graduated from prestigious Academies of Music in Warsaw and Łódz, but they decided to play classical music in a humorous way. They created a worldwide unique musical cabaret, where the music, not the words are the source of joy and laugh.Take a classical composition as canvas, analyze its structure and theme, surround it with musical associations, brilliant, unbelievable ideas and while listening to the final product the listener is constantly surprised, amazed, laughing and moved to tears.

These four professionals could have chosen any path in their performance careers, but they chose to present classical music from a different perspective, unafraid to laugh at cliches, stereotypes, or even themselves. However paradoxical that might sound, this became their strength and their exceptional feature, paving the way to the grandest and most prestigious concert halls, but most importantly, into audiences’ hearts. Don’t be surprised that in their concerts, the immortal melodies of W. A. Mozart are transformed into Tyrolean songs, while the somberness of J. S. Bach becomes a game of tennis on the beach… this quartet simply has no boundaries.

The musicians of the MozART GROUP have been playing together since 1995. At the beginning, they presented short musical jokes on Canal Plus Television. They gave their first debut in 1997 at the PAKA competition of young Polish cabarets in Krakow. In the same year, they presented their first cabaret program entitled “Mozart’s still alive” and since then, they have given concerts in all of Europe, Canada, the U.S.A and Asia.

The MozART GROUP is a frequent TV guest including international galas and concerts. The Quartet received prestigious prizes like the Grand Prix of the XVIII Festival of Satire and Comedy in Lidzbark; “Pingwin z brazu” (the Bronze Penguin) – the prize given by the cabaret community of Zielona Gora, an informal capitol of Polish cabaret. The MozART GROUP also performances with colleagues around the world including concerts with the mime Irek Krosny or Bobby McFerrin.

This is the funniest quartet in the world – MozART GROUP!

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  • No age limit
  • No discounts
  • Latecomers are not allowed to enter the venue!
  • Taking photos and recording is allowed only by prior agreement with the organiser
  • A 10% discount on all menu items during 30 minutes from opening the doors
  • In the concert hall, the 1st and 2nd row of the dress circle and the 1st row of the upper circle are of limited visibility. The edges are equipped with guardrails!
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