96th anniversary of The Republic of Estonia Gala concert “Our home – Estonia”



On the celebration of Estonia’s 96th birthday in Nokia Concert Hall we will hear the music of different nations.

Performers are all living in Estonia but have different origins and therefore enrich our music with their own local melodies & rythms. This mix-up will be weaved together by Mari Kalkun – a musician whom music reflects our own doings, pain and beauty.

The audience will hear Russian, Ukrainian, Jewish, Jamaican etc music together with Estonian.


Police and Border guard Orchestra with Hando Põldmäe & Siim Aimla; Mari Kalkun (Estonian), Svjata Vatra & Ruslan Trochynskyi (Estonian- Ukrainian), Suprjadki (Estonian- Russian), Sofia Rubina (Jewish – Estonian), Jason Hunter (American), Atlas (Estonian- Armenian), James Werts (Estonian- American), Denise Fontoura (Estonian-Brazilian ) and many more.

Concert will be finished by the performance of a choir consisting of 96 members!

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  • No age limit
  • No discounts
  • Latecomers are not allowed to enter the venue!
  • Taking photos and recording is allowed only by prior agreement with the organizer
  • For tickets for people in wheelchairs please contact info@ticketpro.ee
  • In the concert hall, the 1st and 2nd row of the first balcony and the 1st row of the second balcony are of limited visibility. The edges are equipped with guardrails!


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  • Piletilevi kassast Solaris Keskuse I korrusel
  • Piletilevi e-poest www.piletilevi.ee
  • Statoili jaamadest üle Eesti
  • Selveritest üle Eesti

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Kohapealt on võimalik pileteid osta Piletilevi kassast Solaris Keskuse I korrusel.

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