Alice Cooper Live! In Theater of Death.



Welcome to the theater of hoaxes, horrors and nightmares, a theater, where you become not only spectator, but the participant of the show, full of riots, blood and rock ‘n’ roll, starring the inimitable Alice Cooper.

Alice Cooper, born as Vincent Damon Fournier, The Great and Terrible, is the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame member, he is an idol for several generations of dedicated hard-rock fans in the entire world, and according to the “Rolling Stones” magazine, he ”returns on stage to present his new the most spectacular show, created especially for theatrical venues, the Theater of Death new performance «Rise the dead».

Cooper’s concerts are always unforgettable magical spectacles, which have an inner drama. How many times will the protagonist die and rise again on the stage this time? How many times will he soar above the stage, convulsing in his tunes?

And you have not seen the live act of Orianthi Panagris yet – the new star of Alice’s theater! What divine guitar sounds retrieves this young Australian actress better known as Michael Jackson’s tragically failed “This Is It” tour – you can’t miss her this time! It is unforgettable!

Ozzy Osborne was one of the first who recognized the historical importance of Cooper’s creativity Cooper: “Alice was our father. He was doing on stage even more seditious things than I did. He is the greatest!”

Alice the Great will sing the best of his 30-year-old rocker’s career repertoire in decorations, especially constructed for this concert.

One day, back in the mid-70’s, in his interview Cooper mentioned: “We are here to make fun of only three things: sex, death and money”. It seems that the artist hasn’t changed his views since that time – he only reinforced his shows with an incredible magical strength and excellent rock-musician potential.

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  • No age limit
  • No discounts
  • Latecomers are not allowed to enter the venue!
  • Taking photos and recording is allowed only by prior agreement with the organizer
  • A 10% discount on all menu items during 30 minutes from opening the doors
  • For tickets for people in wheelchairs please contact
  • In the concert hall, the 1st and 2nd row of the first balcony and the 1st row of the second balcony are of limited visibility. The edges are equipped with guardrails!
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