


Director: Vladimir Mirzoev
Actors: Maksim Sukhanov, Andrey Merzlikin, Anna Chirina

A story of an ordinary infidelity turns into a paradox in the hands of the Nobel Prize winner Harold Pinter. It is hard to distinguish who is right or wrong, whose betrayal is weightier and whose fidelity is more doubtful. The director of the play Vladimir Mirzoev brings another quite a Freudian story under deliberation. He speaks about the power of a woman and the weakness of a man, the hidden desires and fears and about the danger of suppressing one’s nature. 
The duet of actors Maksim Sukhanov and Andrey Merzlikin is truly brilliant. They look for the woman but discover happiness in the maze of a mind game. It is an ironical, astute and witty play about the disastrous commonness of the mankind.
The only thing that can join the heroes together is a desperate, maddening, monotonous loneliness. It deprives them of the solid ground and forces to commit most inconsequent and awkward things. Their relations evolve in the inverted perspective – from the break up back to the start. The illusion of a trivial love triangle blows up to the absurd. In this world one always betraystheother.

Extracts of the interview with creators of the play:

Vladimir Mirzoev:” As far as the story is about love, betrayal, infidelity…I think that something of that kind happened to everybody in this or that respect. The question is in how you interpret it! Pinter used to look at human nature in terms of the theory of Freud. All this refers to basic, archetype things, which our relationships are based on. Therefore in the “Betrayal” you can examine the deepest depths of human nature on the example of an ordinary love triangle. That can definitely never be boring!”
Anna Churina: “People never know what to do in such situations. We will try to resolve it in our own way. I think that this part is a real fotrune for an actress. It is quite a challenge to play a woman at the breaking point, torn between two men. However in real life – Heaven Forbid! I would never wish to be there. It’s a living hell “.
Andrey Merzlikin: ” Pinter manages to uncover the deepest feelings of a man. That is why I like this author. In the “Betrayal” we act on the background, foreground, fifth ground and sixth ground, otherwords, on the multiground stage. This kind of work is always interesting for an actor. I discovered a new planet by taking part in this project, and this planet is Vladimir Mirzoev. He breaks the rules that I got used to, in the finest sense of this word. It is a new aesthetics for me! ”
Maksim Sukhanov:”I find it interesting to unravel the collisions between the heroes. I feel an extraordinary tension within the play. Due to the inverted perspective the tension surges up each minute. The evolution of my character brings him from the end of the story to the very end of his personality. You get a chance to observe the introverted type of mind in the play. The story of betrayal is shown undated, for some it could have happened recently, for others – even yesterday.

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