The legendary Gipsy Kings former leader and initiator Chico Bouchikhi and his talented Gypsy guitarists at Nokia Concert Hall on the 15th of February 2014.
Chico & The Gypsies have sold more than 20 million records and filled concert halls all over the world. Chico and his guitarists perform the timeless songs like Bamboleo, Djobi Djoba, Marina and Volare as well as new pop tracks.
The band was made a party symbol when playing at the birthday parties of Brigitte Bardot. For Gypsies it meant a start of a spectacular success opening up the opportunity to start their creative journey from Saint Tropez to even the most unexpected countries.
In 1984 Gipsy Kings presents their first video clip, Allegria, in Saint-Tropez International Festival of Music Videos among Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney and Elton John’s tycoons at the time. Clip finds appreciation and inspires Chico to open a Gipsy recreational centre El Patio de Camargue in his hometown Arles.
In 1991 Gipsy Kings separates. Chico Bouchikhi creates his own band Chico & the Gypsies and hits the road…
In 1994 United Nations invites Chico to play in Oslo for the celebrtion of peace agreements between Shimon Peres’i and Yasser Arafat. Being affected by Chico’s attitude, his actions and universal music, the directior of UNESCO decides to point him a Special Envoy for Peace in 1996.
Chico & The Gypsies have been touring for twenty years all over the world, they participate at the presigious evenigs of Paris, New York, Tokyo, Moscow, Beyrouth, Dubai and other cities carring the message of peace and friendship between peoples. The first album bringing them greater acknoledgement and where their identity is colorfully highlighted is Vagabundo published in 1996. One of the most successful has been Freedom released in 2005. Their last album Fiesta, released in 2013 is a revival of the most well-known classics in spanish that breaths sun and overflows the joy of life.
The group has altogether made 10 albums, their music is a mix of flamenco, rumba, latino pop and rock tunes.
Chico & The Gypsies performs in Estonia for the first time bringing along a piece of sun to warm up the hearts of Estonian public in the cold month of February. An exceptional opportunity to celebrate Valentines day and party to eight guitars accompanied by a full backing band of bass, keys, drums, violin and African drums section.
The concert is brought to you by Live Travel & Productions in cooperation with Dream Productions Monaco.
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- In the concert hall, the 1st and 2nd row of the first balcony and the 1st row of the second balcony are of limited visibility. The edges are equipped with guardrails!
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