Cosmonaut Lotte 13:00




18.50 € - 22.50 €

A children’s musical in two acts.
Authors: Janno Põldma, Heiki Ernits, Priit Pajusaar
Lyrics: Leelo Tungal
Producer: Ain Mäeots
Musical director and conductor: Tarmo Leinatamm
Director: Lauri Sirp
Designer: Iir Hermeliin (Tallinn City Theatre) and Rosita Raud
Choreographer: Janek Savolainen
Light Designer: Palle Palmé (Sweden)

In Roles: Gerli Padar or Luisa Värk, Aivar Tommingas or Juss Haasma, Robert Annus or Simo Breede, Jaan Willem Sibul or Märt Jakobson, Tõnu Kilgas or Jüri Lumiste, Pirjo Püvi or Maria Kallaste, Veikko Täär or Tanel Jonas, Janari Jorro, Krista Kotselainen and others

Lotte wakes up in the morning in her own home, but by that night she finds herself on the moon! But for the ever-active Lotte this is just another exciting adventure – by the end of the day she’s made more new friends and learnt lots of new things. Joining her on her trip to the moon is Adalbert the rabbit – and what he does up there you’ll have to come along and see for yourself!

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  • No age limit
  • No discounts
  • Latecomers are not allowed to enter the venue!
  • Taking photos and recording is allowed only by prior agreement with the organizer
  • For tickets for people in wheelchairs please contact
  • In the concert hall, the 1st and 2nd row of the first balcony and the 1st row of the second balcony are of limited visibility. The edges are equipped with guardrails!


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Alexela Kontserdimajas toimuvatele üritustele on võimalik pileteid osta:

  • Piletilevi kassast Solaris Keskuse I korrusel
  • Piletilevi e-poest
  • Statoili jaamadest üle Eesti
  • Selveritest üle Eesti

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Alates 06.06.2016 rakendub internetipoe kasutamise teenustasu 0,50 € pileti kohta. Ilma teenustasuta saab soetada pileteid järgmistest kassadest:
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Kohapealt on võimalik pileteid osta Piletilevi kassast Solaris Keskuse I korrusel.

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