Detective Lotte 13:00




18.50 € - 22.50 €

Children’s musical in two acts.
Lotte starts her stage adventures again! By Janno Põldmaa, Heiki Ernits.

Composer: Priit Pajusaar
Libretto by Janno Põldma, Heiki Ernits
Lyrics: Leelo Tungal
Director: Ain Mäeots
Musical Director and Conductor: Tarmo Leinatamm
Conductor: Lauri Sirp
Stage Designer: Iir Hermeliin (Tallinn City Theatre)
Choreographer: Janek Savolainen

In Roles: Gerli Padar, Robert Annus, Aivar Tommingas or Leino Rei, Maria Soomets, Maarja Mitt, Margus Jaanovits or Marko Mäesaar, Jaan Willem Sibul or Ain Mäeots, Veikko Täär or Tanel Jonas, Markus Luik, Atlan Karp or Märt Jakobson or Simo Breede, Hanna Brigita Jaanovits or Saara Kaljujärv, Marika Aidla, Rita Dolgihh, Maarja Paugus

This time the friendly and affectionate dog called Lotte tries to decide who she will be when she grows up. The day which has just begun gives her a marvellous idea when her father Oskar finds out that the sugar machine he has invented has gone missing. Lotte and her friend Bruno decide not to wait doing nothing, but to become detectives and find the machine themselves.

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  • No age limit
  • Latecomers are not allowed to enter the venue!
  • Taking photos and recording is allowed only by prior agreement with the organizer
  • For tickets for people in wheelchairs please contact
  • In the concert hall, the 1st and 2nd row of the first balcony and the 1st row of the second balcony are of limited visibility. The edges are equipped with guardrails!
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  • Piletilevi kassast Solaris Keskuse I korrusel
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  • Statoili jaamadest üle Eesti
  • Selveritest üle Eesti

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