Drama “Black mud in your face”




To fully operate a proper nation needs a constitution approved at a referendum. It needs at least five different kinds of cheese at the nearest Selver shopping centre and new pictures of yet another criminal world authority with ever-changing female escorts on the covers of glamour monthly. And it doesn’t matter if this fully operating nation is eager to admit to it, but the fact remains that it needs myths and legends of alcohol damaged pop-stars swinging between life and death, the ones who one day are able to craze an entire stadium full of people to psychosis and the next day are stopped by the police when driving home from the grocery store drunk.”/…/

“In retrospect I regret nothing. Almost nothing.”

Premiere on November 10, 1012 at Vanemuine Grand Building


Author: Mihkel Raud
Text and Directing: Andres Noormets (Pärnu “Endla”)
Designer: Maarja Meeru
Video Designer: Taavi Varm
Lighting Designer: Margus Vaigur (Pärnu “Endla”)
Musical Designers: Andres Noormets/Mihkel Raud
Songs and Music: Ele Sonn

In Roles: Andres Mähar, Martin Kõiv, Ott Sepp, Kais Adlas, Riho Kütsar, Margus Jaanovits, Priit Strandberg, Marianne Kütt

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  • No age limit
  • Latecomers are not allowed to enter the venue!
  • Taking photos and recording is allowed only by prior agreement with the organizer
  • Groups strating from 26 people get a 10% discount on tickets
  • A 10% discount on all menu items during 30 minutes from opening the doors
  • For tickets for people in wheelchairs please contact info@ticketpro.ee
  • In the concert hall, the 1st and 2nd row of the first balcony and the 1st row of the second balcony are of limited visibility. The edges are equipped with guardrails!
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  • Piletilevi kassast Solaris Keskuse I korrusel
  • Piletilevi e-poest www.piletilevi.ee
  • Statoili jaamadest üle Eesti
  • Selveritest üle Eesti

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Kohapealt on võimalik pileteid osta Piletilevi kassast Solaris Keskuse I korrusel.

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