Eternal masterpieces: The best of the world’s classics



Young and talented vocal performers carry on the best practices and traditions of performing arts by bringing pure and light images of world’s art to the people.

Marina Morozova has a brilliant educational background. She started her vocal education at Estonian Music and Theatre Academy and has recently graduated from Conservatoire of Giuseppe Verde in Milan. Marina was a prize winner at international vocal contests. She actively participates in charity events by giving performances at free concerts. Marina has an expressive timbre of the voice, lyrical dramatic soprano, which makes any of her performances colorful and rich.

Evgeny Kungurov is a soloist at Moscow theatre “New Opera”. He was a laureate and prize-winner of many song contests, though he became well- known by participating at such Russian TV-projects as “Voice”, “One in One”, “Big Opera”. Evgeny has a dense velvety baritone, that charms the audience and affects the deepest strings of their

The concert will be accompanied by the variety-symphonic orchestra,which consists of the professional musicians, great masters, who have devoted many years to music. The orchestra will be presented in its chamber cast. The repertoire of the orchestra is interesting & varied – it is classical music, variety, the worldwide music: Italian, French, Jewish, Russian & Gipsy romances,retro & jazz, & also the music of the Estonian composers,for example, you will hear the works of Raimond Valgre.

The artistic director of the orchestra Natalie Vinnitskaya is a talented musician, instrumentalist,excellent teacher & producer.

The conductor of the orchestra Igor Yermakov is the director of the Lindakivi Centre of Culture, the deputy of the Tallinn City Assembly, the member of the Council of the Lindakivi Centre of Culture, the Honorary Citizen of Tallinn.

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  • No age limit
  • No discounts
  • Latecomers are not allowed to enter the venue!
  • Taking photos and recording is allowed only by prior agreement with the organizer
  • For tickets for people in wheelchairs please contact
  • In the concert hall, the 1st and 2nd row of the first balcony and the 1st row of the second balcony are of limited visibility. The edges are equipped with guardrails!




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Alexela Kontserdimajas toimuvatele üritustele on võimalik pileteid osta:

  • Piletilevi kassast Solaris Keskuse I korrusel
  • Piletilevi e-poest
  • Statoili jaamadest üle Eesti
  • Selveritest üle Eesti

Piletilevi müügipunktidest ostetud pileti hinnale lisandub üldjuhul teenustasu 0,90 € pileti kohta.
Alates 06.06.2016 rakendub internetipoe kasutamise teenustasu 0,50 € pileti kohta. Ilma teenustasuta saab soetada pileteid järgmistest kassadest:
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Kohapealt on võimalik pileteid osta Piletilevi kassast Solaris Keskuse I korrusel.

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