It’s one month to Christmas and Santa’s Village is busier than ever. Nothing can be left to the last minute. The most important task is operation “Sock”, which needs to be successfully completed. Also, dwarfs need to be trained to pry, write letters and guide the reindeer! And the presents need to be made! In the midst of all that fuss Snowman makes an interesting proposal to Nana, and Santa wakes up to find his coat two sizes too small. And there is always a Wicked Witch who hates Christmas. But the very last day of November is the most important day in Santa’s Village as it is the birthday of dwarf-babies!
In supporting roles 3-16 year olds from the Children Music Studio.
Snowman: ERIK LILL
Santa: SANTA
Singing teachers: Külli Murand, Lii Leitmaa, Niina Esko, Silja Uhs and Õnne-Ann Roosvee
Dance teachers: Regina Rebane and Rauno Zubko
Design and animation: Anni ja Taavi Varm
Script: Eve Viilup
- Recommended age starting from year 3
- No discounts
- Latecomers are not allowed to enter the venue!
- Taking photos and recording is allowed only by prior agreement with the organizer
- For tickets for people in wheelchairs please contact
- In the concert hall, the 1st and 2nd row of the first balcony and the 1st row of the second balcony are of limited visibility. The edges are equipped with guardrails!
Alexela Kontserdimajas toimuvatele üritustele on võimalik pileteid osta:
- Piletilevi kassast Solaris Keskuse I korrusel
- Piletilevi e-poest
- Statoili jaamadest üle Eesti
- Selveritest üle Eesti
Piletilevi müügipunktidest ostetud pileti hinnale lisandub üldjuhul teenustasu 0,90 € pileti kohta.
Alates 06.06.2016 rakendub internetipoe kasutamise teenustasu 0,50 € pileti kohta. Ilma teenustasuta saab soetada pileteid järgmistest kassadest:
Eriürituste piletite teenustasude suurused võivad olla erinevad.
Piletimaailmast ostetud netipileti võib külastaja vahetada turvamärgistusega pileti vastu Piletimaailma müügipunktides. Prinditud pilet tagab sissepääsu üritusele!
NB! Kui Teil ei ole võimalust e-piletit printida, siis jätke meelde valitud ürituse andmed. Pileti saate Piletimaailma müügipunktist kätte, kui esitate ürituse andmed ja isikut tõendava dokumendi.
Kohapealt on võimalik pileteid osta Piletilevi kassast Solaris Keskuse I korrusel.
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