Georgian State Academic Folk Song & Dance Ensemble “Erisioni”



AR Production presents: a concert by Erisioni in Tallinn

The Georgian State Academic Folk Song and Dance Ensemble Erisioni is going to perform at the Nokia Concert Hall on December 8.

The ensemble Erisioni, founded in 1885, is referred to as the ‘folklore museum’. The group, which celebrated its 120th anniversary in 2005, comprises about one hundred artists of different generations. In 1999, American producer Jim Lowe and French stage director Pascal Jordan became interested in the Georgian ensemble and invested large sums of money in order to create a unique show. The producers were right to choose a Georgian ensemble. Erisioni’s polyphonic Georgian melodies are considered exemplary even in a country such as Georgia, which is famous for singing. Nowadays, Erisioni can boast of having a dance performance as well, and one that is in no way inferior to such ethnic show stars like Riverdance and Lord of the Dance.

The ensemble has thousands of fans around the world, their concerts in Europe and in the US have been attended by hundreds of thousands of people, and all tickets are always sold out. The Western media have called the creative work of Erisioni a masterpiece. A video for the song ‘Shatilis Asulo’ about a girl from the mountains, which had been shot as a commercial, was later purchased by France and shown on their state television several times a day for a long time, topping the European charts.

After a year since its creation, a show called ‘The Legend of Tamara’ first captivated the US, and then – under the name ‘The Georgian Legend’ – France, Belgium, and Switzerland. The ensemble has performed in Moscow as well – Erisioni’s concerts at the Kremlin Palace have all been sold out. By now, Erisioni has also managed to visit China.

Erisioni’s musical stylistics or, more precisely, form of presentation, closely resembles the creative work of the French ensemble Deep Forest. This electronic band bases its music on the folklore of various peoples (Africa, the Balkans, India) and delivers it in a modern adaptation. It is no wonder that Erisioni’s producer is the Frenchman Pascal Jordan, who discovered the ensemble in Tbilisi in 1999 and decided to make it a basis for a modern, top of the line show.

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  • Taking photos and recording is allowed only by prior agreement with the organizer
  • A 10% discount on all menu items during 30 minutes from opening the doors
  • For tickets for people in wheelchairs please contact
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