Mia, The Fairy Dog 02.12.2014 kell 18:00




10.50 € - 14.50 €

17:00 The Concert Hall and the Theatre Café open

18:00 Start of the event, intermission 30 minutes .
Latecomers are not allowed to enter the venue!

We apologize for the inconvenience!

20:00 The approximate end of the event

Mia, the Fairy Dog is Estonian author Kadi Urbase’s Heartfelt Christmas musical about the adventures of a fairy dog named Mia, who lives with Santa Claus and Mrs Claus in a tiny house deep in the forest and one day goes off in search of the world’s best present.

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 NB! A gift awaits all children attending the performance.
Idea: Kadi Urbas, Ando Urbas
Script and music: Kaari Sillamaa
Director and choreographer: Katre Jaani
Music director: Hille Savi
Designer: Riina Vanhanen
Cast: Getter Jaani, Kaire Vilgats, Emil Rutiku, Kaarel
Orumägi, Contra, Kaari Sillamaa Children’s Musical Theater



  • No age limit
  • Children ticket up to 3 years old 2.00 €
  • Latecomers are not allowed to enter the venue!
  • Taking photos and recording is allowed only by prior agreement with the organizer
  • For tickets for people in wheelchairs please contact info@ticketpro.ee
  • In the concert hall, the 1st and 2nd row of the first balcony and the 1st row of the second balcony are of limited visibility. The edges are equipped with guardrails!



MTÜ Noor Ise-Loom


+372 58 17 17 14


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