Rasta Thomas’ “Rock The Ballet” (USA)




Rasta Thomas’ “Rock the Ballet,” is the dynamic, high energy dance show set to awesome music against a backdrop of fascinating video projected scenery. The show is created by husband & wife team, Rasta Thomas – director & Adrienne Canterna – choreographer.

Since 2008, Rock the Ballet has thrilled over one million spectators & has performed in more than 20 countries worldwide. The show continues to receive rave reviews & standing ovations.

Rasta Thomas’ Rock the Ballet features fantastic dancing to classic and up-to-the-minute Pop and Rock hits from KANYE WEST to COLDPLAY to MICHAEL JACKSON and more. The Choreography is brought to you by Adrienne Canterna, with her explosive mix of “Pop Ballet” styles. Rock The Ballet fuses superb classical technique with fresh, modern dance styles, from Broadway to hip hop to acrobatics. The Bad Boys of Dance come to Nokia Concert Hall with dynamic power and energy, bright lights and moving images!

Rasta Thomas’s ROCK THE BALLET is taking Europe by storm. True, some purists at first were shocked at the idea of the best young ballet dancers in the world today devoting their talents to the Rock hits young people love the world over. But even the purists have come around, joining the youth of Europe to fill theaters with standing ovations and rave reviews from Finland to Italy and from Germany to France.

Who can resist watching superbly trained, charismatic, handsome and sexy young men and women in a high voltage evening of spectacular dance to music by the likes of Queen, Michael Jackson, Aerosmith, Coldplay, The Bee Gees, Maroon 5, Justin Timberlake, David Bowie, INXS, George Michael, LMFAO, Alicia Keys, Kanye West, Chris Brown, Robert Palmer and more.

Call it acrobatic „Pop“ ballet or virtuoso Rock Dance, U.S. based Rock The Ballet succeeds in blending Ballet, hip hop, tap, contemporary and awesome acrobatics into an amazing evening of high energy entertainment, created by husand and wife team, Rasta Thomas-Director and Adrienne Canterna-choreographer. Add in 7 amazing dance Super Stars, a dash of humor, the superb animated video scenery, the rainbow pallet Rock concert-style lighting and the stage is set for ROCK THE BALLET! Fierce.

About the company “BAD BOYS OF DANCE”

Bad Boys of Dance was founded by dance superstar Rasta Thomas in 2007. Bad Boys of Dance first appeared at the 75th anniversary season of the world renowned American dance festival “Jacob’s Pillow”. Since then, the Bad Boys have been a hit with all audiences; from the catwalks of New York Fashion Week for the opening show of designer Richie Rich, to the popular Swiss TV show “Benissimo”. These amazing dancers are virtuosos who expand the boundaries of dance with athletic feats, endless turns and gravity defying leaps. The Bad Boys of Dance are sexy, versatile, and fun! They are the stars of the international hit show Rasta Thomas’ Rock the Ballet.

Rock the Ballet reaches high and touches the sky!




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  • No age limit
  • No discounts
  • Latecomers are not allowed to enter the venue!
  • Taking photos and recording is allowed only by prior agreement with the organizer
  • A 10% discount on all menu items during 30 minutes from opening the doors
  • For tickets for people in wheelchairs please contact info@ticketpro.ee
  • In the concert hall, the 1st and 2nd row of the first balcony and the 1st row of the second balcony are of limited visibility. The edges are equipped with guardrails!
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