Song competition „Eesti laul 2013“



„Eesti laul 2013“ is the biggest song competition in Estonia. The semi-finals are held as live TV-shows and the grand final takes place at the Nokia Concert Hall on the 2nd of March 2013.

All music fans are welcome to see and experience the performances of the 10 best artists who compete for the title. The winner also gets the honour to represent Estonia in the next Eurovision Song Contest which takes place in Sweden.

The grand final of „Eesti laul 2013“ also includes surprise performances and humorous interval acts.

The top ten artists who compete for the title will be selected in semi-finals from the following list:

(Song / Artist / Authors)

1. „Balance Of Water & Stone“ / Tenfold Rabbit / Andres Kõpper, Meelik Samel, Martin Petermann

2. „Dance“ / Facelift Deer / Rasmus Rändvee, Paal Piller, Karl Kallas

3. „Enough“ / Elina Born / Stig Rästa, Fred Krieger

4. „Et uus saaks alguse“ / Birgit Õigemeel / Mihkel Mattisen, Silvia Soro

5. „Follow Me“ / Rosanna Lints / Rolf Roosalu, Kristel Aaslaid, Mattias Hapsal

6. „Lune Surnoise“ / Neogeen / Raido Lilleberg, Kalle Raudmets, Mare Sabolotny

7. „Maybe“ / Marie Vaigla / Raul Vaigla, Marie Vaigla

8. „Meiecundimees üks Korsakov läks eile Lätti“ / Winny Puhh / Silver Lepaste, Indrek Vaheoja

9. „Meil on aega veel“ / Põhja-Tallinn / Jaanus Saks, Mark Eric Kammiste, Alvar-Risto Vürst

10. „Miljoni roosiga kaardi sul saadan“ / Tauri / Peeter Kaljuste, Marek Sadam

11. „Missing Light“ / Flank / Tõnn Tobreluts, Tauno Tamm, Keio Münti

12. „Moving To Mmm“ / Marilyn Jurman / Marilyn Jurman, Karl Kanter

13. „Päästke noored hinged“ / Grete Paia / Grete Paia, Sven Lõhmus

14. „Ring The Alarm” / Teele & Tuuli & Ula / Priit Uustulnd, Teele Viira

15. „Suuda öelda ei“ / Kõrsikud / Andrus Albrecht, Alari Piispea, Lauri Liivak, Jaan Pehk

16. „Taevas valgeks läeb“ / Sarah / Sirli Hiius, Mathura

17. „The Missing Thing“ / Anisa Vänikver / Alar Kotkas, Pearu Paulus, Ilmar Laisaar, Jana Hallas

18. „Uhhuu“ / Liis Lemsalu / Rene Puura, Liis Lemsalu

19. „With U“ / Rolf Roosalu / Rolf Roosalu

20. „Üle vee“ / Liisi Koikson ja Söörömöö / Imm

The final of „Eesti laul 2013“ will be broadcasted live in Estonian National Television.

Get your tickets and come see yourself who wins the chance to represent Estonia in the next Eurovision Song Contest. Nokia Concert Hall awaits you on the 2nd of March 2013!

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  • No age limit
  • No discounts
  • Latecomers are not allowed to enter the venue!
  • Taking photos and recording is allowed only by prior agreement with the organizer
  • A 10% discount on all menu items during 30 minutes from opening the doors
  • For tickets for people in wheelchairs please contact
  • In the concert hall, the 1st and 2nd row of the first balcony and the 1st row of the second balcony are of limited visibility. The edges are equipped with guardrails!
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  • Piletilevi kassast Solaris Keskuse I korrusel
  • Piletilevi e-poest
  • Statoili jaamadest üle Eesti
  • Selveritest üle Eesti

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